
Scheduled Preventative Maintenance (PM) is part of a continuous cycle that helps protect your roof against deterioration caused by the forces of nature and harmful air pollutants. Most roof warranties require routine housekeeping and maintenance as part of the owner's responsibility. If you have existing roof warranties on your facilities and are not regularly inspecting them, you could be in jeopardy of voiding your warranty - leaving you exposed to greater financial risk.

CentiMark's PM Program begins with a comprehensive roof inspection of your building. As a result, you will be provided with an online Roof Condition report documenting problem areas and recommending safety enhancements. As part of general housekeeping, we'll remove normal debris from the roof such as leaves, tree branches, trash and mechanical debris.

A PM plan costs between $.01-$.03 per square foot per visit. For every dollar spent on PM, it is estimated that five dollars is saved through reduced emergency repairs, decreased building interior damage and increased roof life expectancy. The roof life for a roof without PM is estimated to have a service life of 12 years, drastically reduced from its intended service life of 20 years. We encourage you to enroll your building in a PM program today.

Get Your Preventative Maintenance Quote Now

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Exterior Gutter:

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* required

- OR -

Don't Know Your Square Footage?

Measure My Roof

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